For many companies, the beginning and end of the Net Promoter System (NPS) is a survey question and a comment field. After a purchase or some other customer interaction, someone at the company sends out a survey through a program like SurveyMonkey asking for a satisfaction rating on a scale from zero to 10. Respondents can leave any comments they’d like in the next field. This data is then collected, put into a spreadsheet, and analyzed before being presented at the next companywide meeting.
On the surface, this seems like an effective way to gauge customer satisfaction and gather feedback. Executives feel like they’re listening to their customers, and the system provides information about what customers are saying. But it’s a fundamentally flawed process that will fail to offer a path toward improving the customer experience in the long term. By relying on a survey and spreadsheet to do all the heavy lifting, companies are failing to take advantage of what makes NPS so powerful in the first place.

Why SurveyMonkey Isn’t Enough to Truly Take Advantage of NPS

NPS isn’t just about a score; it’s a system in which improving customer loyalty becomes an integral part of the business. To do that, you need more than just a survey tool and Microsoft Excel.

Part of this has to do with survey fatigue. The more surveys you send to customers, the more likely it is that no one will complete them. Customers don’t want to spend their spare time filling out feedback forms. This is especially true if those forms are too long or ask irrelevant questions. By creating a system where a survey is your main metric of satisfaction, you’re increasing the likelihood of fatigue in your most loyal customers.

More importantly, when all your data exists inside a survey program or a spreadsheet, it’s isolated. It isn’t correlated to customers’ lifetime value, frequency of purchase, most recent visits, or any other loyalty and operational metrics. The data is decoupled from the customer, transaction, and operations data.

Without proper integration, this kind of feedback data lacks context and fails to close the loop on customer interactions. To truly act on what your customers have to say, you need it to be part of your system of record, where you can get real insights and take action to better your business and respond to customers in meaningful ways.

It’s not enough to just gather feedback. Businesses must reach out to unhappy customers to resolve problems and reach out to satisfied ones to maintain good relationships. That’s where SuiteFeedback comes in for NetSuite customers.

Why An Integrated System Like SuiteFeedback Is a Better Solution

By ditching the spreadsheet and using an integrated system, you can streamline your feedback process and gain more powerful insights by pairing the information with other metrics. Not only can you reach out to customers using SuiteFeedback, but you can also incorporate customer records and transactions into the information and integrate that into your team’s workflow.

What this gives you is more than just comments. It can offer valuable behavioral data, such as where customers go on your website, what they do, and where they came from. It can give you granular, up-to-date information on customer satisfaction, offering you an edge over the competition. As customer experience continues to become a more dominant factor in deciding which companies an individual frequents, this information is invaluable.

To run a world-class feedback management program based on NPS, it has to be tied into operational and transactional information. It can’t be a siloed program without the important context of customer history and business interactions. SuiteFeedback is designed to address this. It takes full advantage of NPS and is built into NetSuite, so you can have operational, transactional, and customer experience information all in one place.

The voice of customers makes sense when it’s built into the system of record. Make sure you have something in place that can make that happen. Request a demo today to learn how SuiteFeedback can supercharge your customer feedback processes and help you close the customer feedback loop.