The secret to retaining customers isn’t a price or product.

It’s the customer experience (CX) that your company offers.

That’s why 86% of customers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience!

In fact, companies are beginning to consider CX as a far greater opportunity than content, mobile or personalization.

The reason for this is simple:

Customer experience encompasses the entire buyer’s journey and beyond.

It starts from when a prospect hears about your company and continues with every interaction with your company until they eventually stop being a customer – the full end-to-end customer journey.

Customer journey (end-to-end)

Moreover, customer experience is based entirely on your buyer’s expectations.

It’s what they wanted, and how you’ve delivered on it that forms a customer’s perception of a good or bad experience.

Now Enter Voice of Customer Data

Collecting customer feedback helps you understand your customer expectations, and identify ways your company could deliver on those.

So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at different ways to collect customer feedback.