No business wants its customers to be unhappy. When they are, 91% take their money elsewhere. More than that, social media platforms allow customer complaints to travel fast. A negative tweet can go viral in minutes, and the business consequences can be serious.
But customer dissatisfaction doesn’t have to damage your business. Seventy percent will return if their complaints are addressed, and up to 95% will come back if a complaint is resolved quickly.
That said, how do you turn your detractors into promoters? Here are five simple steps to do just that:

1. Act Fast

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) offers some of the best insights into customer feedback and helps you to gauge what action you should take to address it. If you want that action to turn detractors into promoters, do it quickly. Responding to a low NPS should be a top priority. SuiteFeedback notifies you immediately when a low score comes in and takes action.
The more quickly you respond to a customer’s negative experience, the more valued that customer will feel, and the more likely he or she will be to change his or her opinion. Don’t let dissatisfaction fester into resentment. Act fast and close the feedback loop. Turn them into promoters.

2. Encourage Feedback

There are 26 silent customers for every one that complains. Knowing that, you should do all you can to encourage those 26 people to speak up. If you’re not hearing about their problems, you can’t fix them.
Make it easy for customers to share feedback. Offer incentives like discounts and access to special products and services for those who do, and provide as many ways to give feedback as possible. The easier it is for customers to tell you their opinions, the more likely they are to do it.

3. Show That You Care

Because customers want to feel like you’re on their side, a simple apology can go a long way when something goes wrong. Respond to complaints with phrases like “I’d be upset if that happened to me, too,” and express sympathy every step of the way.
Keep your customers informed of your progress as you implement their feedback. Tell them what you’re changing to address their concerns, and thank them for helping you do business better. A handwritten note from the CEO can also go a long way and add an extra personal touch.

4. Delight Your Detractors

Customer feedback is unique, so your response should be, too. Find a personalized solution for every complaint. Cookie-cutter messages thanking people for their feedback and reassuring them that their complaints have been heard won’t cut it. Instead, have a real person follow up and find out how to make the situation right.
Then, go the extra mile. If an order got lost or delayed in transit, consider offering free express delivery on their next five orders. Acting on a customer complaint might turn that detractor into a passive customer, but exceeding expectations can make him or her go far beyond that and become one of your proudest promoters.

5. Learn From Your Mistakes

A high NPS is not the objective. The real objective is using the scores to learn how to address issues, close the feedback loop, and build customer trust.
Repeated customer complaints can point to structural problems with your business, so take them into account if you want your customer base to grow. Track scores and comments, and use them to test the success of your changes. If you don’t see an uptick, ask yourself what more you can do to promote customer satisfaction.
Detractors don’t want to complain. Customers who try your product or service have hopes that it’ll be a positive experience. If it’s negative, it affects them personally just as much as it affects your bottom line. Keep that in mind as you put satisfaction at the heart of your response.
Listen to customer complaints, learn from your mistakes, and act fast. Show detractors you genuinely care, and soon they’ll be singing your praises.
Request a demo today to learn how SuiteFeedback can help you gauge customer feedback and turn detractors into promoters.