The Net Promoter System (NPS) is crucial for any e-commerce business. It gauges customer loyalty, secures repeat orders, and helps businesses understand their customers at every stage of their journey.

But a successful NPS strategy requires more than a single email with a survey. Businesses should follow these four steps to maximize customer engagement and turn detractors and passives into promoters:

1. Understand Your Customer Journey

The customer experience cannot and should not be measured on just one occasion. Initial satisfaction can change with time, and businesses that don’t consistently check back with their customers miss out on the valuable insights repeat engagements provide.
There are two major “moments of truth” in the customer journey that are tied to NPS measurements. The first comes when a customer places an order. In response to that order, businesses should send out a survey within an hour to assess the experience while it’s still fresh in customers’ minds. Between 15 and 30 days later, you reach the second milestone. By this time, the customer should have received his or her order and used the product, making it possible for the customer to offer valuable feedback.
Understanding the customer at both of these moments of truth is crucial to ensuring repeat engagement, and falling short at either can make customers turn to your competitor the next time they’re looking to buy.

2. Segment Your Customers and Analyze the Data

NPS is a system favored by 89% of businesses for two simple reasons: It’s easy to use and implement, and it makes data actionable. Customers can be segmented based on the NPS Score, and this correlates to the length of the relationship, their lifetime value, which products they buy, demographics, or how frequently they buy.

What characteristics do the members of each group have in common? If the bulk of detractors are first-time female buyers between the ages of 35 and 40, then think about the specific pressures and circumstances that group faces. Then, consider how you can change the customer journey to alleviate those strains.

3. Keep Track and Improve

Every NPS survey is an opportunity to reflect on customer engagement, too. The first two milestones might be the most important in building a relationship, but that relationship needs to be nurtured over time to turn enthusiastic customers into loyal advocates.

SuiteFeedback allows you to create a timeline of customer satisfaction and look for the peaks and troughs. One-third of Millennials will stop interacting with a brand that falls short of their expectations, so it’s especially important to fine-tune your relationship with your audience if you want to ensure that doesn’t happen. No matter who your customers are, keeping them happy should be a top priority. You can’t do that if you don’t know at which point of the journey they lose interest in your brand.

4. Close the Feedback Loop

NPS Scores aren’t just a way to measure engagement. They’re also an opportunity to take action and improve based on results. For example, if a detractor gives your business a low score, respond as quickly as possible.
The most important step on the NPS journey is closing the loop. An effective service recovery process will win back unhappy customers and turn them into satisfied and enthusiastic promoters. Increased retention rates of as little as 5% can lead to profit increases of between 25% and 95%, so don’t just measure customer satisfaction. Act on it.
Every e-commerce business should be using NPS to grow and improve. SuiteFeedback is built into the customer and transaction record, so it’s easy to understand the ROI of improvements in the experience. Reach out and contact us today if you think we can help unlock your growth potential.

Request a demo today to learn how SuiteFeedback can help you improve and build customer relationships for your e-commerce business.